Private manuscript belonging to M. ‘Azīmān, Tetuan
The references to this codex are mostly taken from the works of Millás (Millás Vallicrosa 1954b, 1954c, 1954d)
1. It consists of 136 folios. There is no indication of the name of the copyist or the date of the manuscript, however, for Millás, it is a Maghrebi copy from the end of the 18th or beginning of the 19th century (Millás Vallicrosa 1954c, p. 130).
It starts with some fragments of the summary of the work of Al-Ṭighnārī (fol. 2r-23v). In the last of these folios the phrase “
wa-min kitāb Abī ’l-Khayr” is found, which could mean that the following folios are the work of the Sevillian agronomist Abū ’l-Khayr. According to Millás the Abū ’l-Khayr text continues until fol. 48v but, actually, within it are found passages from the
Book of Nabataean Agriculture followed by others from Ibn al-‘Awwām (fols. 39v-48v)
Folios 48v-105v contain the Ibn Baṣṣāl treatise and the manuscript ends with that of Ibn Wāfid (fols. 106r-136v)
(translated from Carabaza Bravo, J. M. & García Sánchez, E. (1998). ‘Códices Misceláneos de Agronomía Andalusí’.
Al‑Qantara 19, p. 403)
Attié, B. (1982). ‘L’ordre chronologique probable des sources directes d’Ibn al-‘Awwām’. Al‑Qantara 3, pp. 299-332.
Millás Vallicrosa, J.M. (1954b). ‘Nuevos textos manuscritos de las obras geopónicas de Ibn Wāfid e Ibn Baṣṣāl’. Hespéris-Tamuda 2, pp. 339‑44.
Millás Vallicrosa, J.M. (1954c). ‘Sobre bibliografía agronómica hispanoárabe’. Al-Andalus XIX, pp. 129‑142 .
Millás Vallicrosa, J.M. (1954d). ‘Un manuscrito árabe de la obra de agricultura de Ibn Wāfid’. Hespéris-Tamuda 2 (1), pp. 87‑96.
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The study of B. Attié 1982, ‘L’ordre chronologique’, has also been consulted. |
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In fact, these pages contain a text that follows very closely, as will be seen, pages 144-92 of the Fez Edition, but not all correspond to Abū’l-Khayr, as Millás believes - after some fragments of Abū’l-Khayr are others from the Nabataean Agriculture and the work of Ibn al-‘Awwām, or either one of these, though we cannot make a reliable comparison because of altered passages. Cf. Millás Vallicrosa 1954c, p. 138; Attié 1982, pp. 306-9 and 330. |
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Al-Nahrāwi, according to Attié 1982, ‘L’ordre chronologique’, p. 309. |